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1,200,000-2,000,000 SHU

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Plants

SKU: 96836457
Out of Stock
  • These plants are hot and have heat and leaves to beware of.  The Trinidad Moruga Scorpion plant held a record of heat. The aroma is a great addition to outdoor gathering and the heat is unforgettable in dishes.  In this order you will receive 2 live plants.  We do not ship live plants internationally currently.


    These plants ship between 3’’ to 5’’ tall.  Please understand the sensitive nature of these plants and the care they need.  Pepper plants can be difficult at any stage when unpacking these pepper plants make sure to gradually adjust them to their new environment indoors out of direct sunlight be careful on your watering and water temperature also to not shock or overwater accidently.  Please make sure you are available at time of arrival of these plants for the climate may not be suitable for them to wait outside for your arrival.  The pepper plants adjust better to small transitions upon arrival so be extra careful on overwatering and putting near direct sunlight. After they adjust to their indoor environment you can start transitioning them in small intervals to shaded areas in the garden over 2 to 3 weeks. Please be aware of your heat and humidity indexes outside to your indoor temperatures so you can be fully prepared to help them adjust to your area after they arrive.

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